The days are longer, and the kids are out of class. It’s fairly easy to have another beer or just one more glass of pinot on the porch, but if you don’t want to be in that crowded gym come September here are 5 easy tips to keep in the back of your mind while you enjoy the summer days.



The days are far longer and it’s easy to lose track of the time when the sun never seems to go down. Keep good sleep hygiene by going to bed at a regular time and not taking naps – unless you take naps every day, at the same time, for the same amount of time. Avoid alcohol consumption 3 hours before bedtime as well.



Lather up the SPF. Even on days where there are thin clouds or spotty cloud coverage you need to put on sun screen. The higher the SPF rating the better! Also read and follow the label: applying sun screen before exposure to the sun is paramount in effective protection from UV rays. Remember some sun screens are built better for active excursions or if you intend on running/hiking/swimming.



Get outside for exercise (with sun screen!), as the long summer days turn into dark cold short ones in the blink of an eye. Go for a hike, roller-blade around the Sea-Wall or go swimming – anything to work off the extra calories from the lazy afternoons.



It’s a good idea to go light on the booze which is fairly easy with hot patio weather. Choose a light beer or a sangria: use tonic or soda to make a strong drink refreshing and more healthy.



Take advantage of the great weather and get your green fingers dirty. A wealth of studies are finding that when handling dirt (or more specifically mycobacterium vaccae which is an enzyme found in dirt) releases serotonin and elevates your mood. If you can’t access a community garden or don’t have a back yard then there are many ways to hang baskets or pots near windows or patios. Growing herbs is also beneficial in your home as you tend to cook with these fresh ingredients more often.



There you have it, 5 tips to having a healthier summer, we hope you have a fantastic one.