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By Dr. Sharon Gurm BSc, ND, Naturopathic Physician, Clinic Founder & Clinical Director

Did you know that more than 80% of Canada’s red raspberries are grown here in BC’s Fraser Valley?

Fraser Valley growers harvest over 12 million kilograms of the finest quality raspberries each year for shipment across Canada and around the world (view source). What’s even better is that BC Raspberries are NOT Genetically Modified!   To start your day off with a burst of flavour, try a delicious smoothie filled with local raspberries, and enjoy a great start to the day!


1 cup milk (or soy)
1/2 cup natural yogurt
1/4 wedge of soft tofu
1 cup local raspberries
Honey to taste.

Blend all ingredients on high until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve!

What are the Health Benefits of Raspberries? 

Raspberries (and most berries in general) have a low Glycemic Index (GI of 40), meaning they do not trigger a large rise in blood sugar levels. Foods with low-GI value are important for prevention and treatment of diabetes, insulin resistance, cancer, inflammation and weight loss. Raspberries are also high in cancer-fighting and cardio-protective antioxidants such as vitamin C, bioflavanoids, resveratrol and ellagic acid. These compounds have been well-studied for their anti-cancer effects and many have been demonstrated to inhibit growth of cancer cells, prevent angiogenesis (blood supply to the tumor) and even cause cancer cell death (apoptosis).

Why Avoid Genetically Modified Crops?

Genetically modified or genetically engineered (GE) crops are problematic because there are concerns about their impact on human DNA. At this point, we are medically and scientifically uncertain of the degree to which GE crops can cause cellular damage and thereby contribute to illness and chronic disease. Furthermore, there is concern about the long-term impact of GE crops on our environment. Just ask yourself: is it right for a GE red bell pepper to last 2 weeks or longer in the fridge and look exactly the same as the day you picked it off the produce shelf? Definitely food for thought.

Why Choose Organic? 

The healthier and more environmentally-friendly option is to choose organic foods. Organic foods are produced without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics, supplemental hormones and are not genetically engineered. There are no artificial ingredients are they are not irradiated. Organic foods frequently have higher nutrient content than the alternative. A review of 236 studies presented at the Ecofarm 2009 conference, demonstrated that organic foods were nutritionally superior in 61% of cases. Organic farmers emphasize the use of renewable resources and are more conscious of land and water conservation. Whenever possible, choose local organic produce to reduce the environmental impact of your consumption and to support our hard-working local farmers!

Here are a few Organic recipes that use items easily purchased at your local farmers market

Hail-to-the-Kale Salad
Raw Vegan Peach Cobbler
Sunday Morning Crepes


1. Alschuler, Gazella. The Definitive Guide To Cancer, 2010.
2. Hyman, M. The Blood Sugar Solution, 2012.