Specific acupuncture points are carefully selected and stimulated in combination during a treatment session. Acupuncture points lie on energy channels (meridians) that are directly related to specific organs and physiological functions. Research has shown that acupuncture is an extremely effective approach to pain-management of various injuries and expedites the healing process. In addition, there has been extensive research documenting the effectiveness of acupuncture combined with various other treatments for infertility, as well as a number of other hormonal and physiological imbalances.
Acupuncture points are stimulated via insertion of fine needles using an essentially painless technique. By doing so, one can carefully manipulate the bio-energy (also known as “Qi”) to flow more freely and thereby restore harmony and balance in the body on an energetic and physiological level. On a more scientific level, the premise of acupuncture is in its ability to increase circulation to a specific area that is treated. Although true, this is far too primitive an explanation for the ancient healing power of one of the most dominant medical systems in the world.
There are many indications for acupuncture but the most effective applications include pain management and treatment (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint dysfunction, tendonitis, sprains/strains, fractures and sports-related injuries), hormone balance, fertility, sleep disorders, anxiety and depression, smoking cessation, stress management and management of withdrawl symptoms when weening off certain medications. We often integrate acupuncture with other treatment modalities (such as nutrition, counselling and/or detoxification) in order to treat the root cause and optimize treatment outcomes.