Vitamin D - The Forgotten Hormone

Why Is vitamin D Important?

Vitamin D regulates the function of a variety of tissues; in fact there are specific vitamin D receptors in almost every tissue of the body.

In addition to maintaining healthy calcium levels, vitamin D regulates hormone secretion and supports a robust immune system.

From the prevention of certain cancers to lowering elevated blood pressure, vitamin D is essential for maintaining optimal health and decreasing the risk of disease.

Risk Factors for Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Dark Skin
  • Aging
  • Obesity
  • Pollution
  • Living north of the 35° latitude
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Sunscreen use

Vitamin D Deficiency is associated with the following conditions:

  • Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and bone fractures
  • Cancers including breast, prostate, and colon
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome
  • Depression
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Facial hair and acne
  • Migraines
  • Lowered resistance to influenza and viruses
  • Pain and muscles aches

Why Should I test?

Most people spend the majority of their time indoors where there is no sunlight, resulting in low vitamin D levels.

Optimal vitamin D levels are essential for bone health, hormone balance and a sense of well-being.

Symptoms of deficiency can be generalized are are often overlooked.

Be proactive and identify vitamin D deficiency early.

Monitor vitamin D levels after supplementation.

The 35° Rule

Living north of the 35° parallel significantly increases the likelihood of insufficient vitamin D levels dues to the angle of the sun in the sky. Low vitamin D levels are linked to increased risk of osteoporosis, brittle bones, psoriasis, cancer and heart disease. Many symptoms of vitamin D deficiency appear only after the deficiency has existed for many years. The first sign of vitamin D deficiency can be a fracture from a modest fall.

Vitamin D - The Forgotten Hormone

The Solution is here

  • Take a simple blood test with Port Moody Health
  • Review the results with your doctor and start a recommended program to address deficiency
  • Take tailored supplements programmed to you
  • Follow up to ensure the program is working with you and your ongoing better heath and wellness

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